What wakes you up to the reality of your own existence? Have you questioned if the path you have created is indeed your true journey?
The identification of having “things” and looking outward for satisfaction with life was normal and routine for Naomi for many years. It made sense that acquiring the conventional aspects of success would then result in acceptance, worth, happiness and ultimately satisfaction in living. What she found was life doesn’t work out this way.
Naomi spent her 20s and 30s working in the corporate field driven by the ability to make a substantial pay check, afford all the “things” and lead a life that reflected the images of success. The “doing” and accumulating was a distraction to avoid a dullness she felt deep down. As these feelings became more condensed it manifested in depression and withdrawal. There was an itch, a feeling of discontent. Was there something more than this restlessness and constant worry?
In her 40s Naomi looked to start a new path which incorporated Eastern wellness principles including yoga, meditation and self-inquiry. Her spiritual journey was ignited from this point and continues today. All we can authentically share is what we know for certain from having lived it. Through this knowledge Naomi is able to be of service to others. Let’s practice, learn and grow together.
Join Naomi for yoga classes, workshops and trainings at True North Yoga in Boise, Idaho. Change your life. Practice yoga. Start today.